Day 30 Be There

Be There

Dr. James Dobson shares a story about how one of his close friends collapsed and died on the basketball court while they were playing a game together. In the moments that followed he thought about his own mortality. “What if that had been me?” he wondered. Would he be happy with his life and particularly with what he would be leaving behind? Two words came to mind “Be there.”

The following day he sat down with his seventeen year old son, Ryan, to share his thoughts about what had happened and the impact it had on him.

“We all must face death sooner or later and in one way or the other. And of course, it will happen to me. I don’t know if I’ll have the opportunity to give you my ‘last words’ then, so let me tell you right now. Freeze frame this moment in your mind and hold onto it for the rest of your life. My message to you is “Be there!” Be there to meet your mother and me in heaven. Don’t let anything deter you from keeping that appointment.”

Accomplishing meaningful things in life is even more important than accomplishing ‘great’ things. But all these pale into insignificance when compared to what lasts forever.

What sort of spiritual heritage are you leaving your family? When you’re gone, what spiritual legacy will you leave behind? This matters far more than any amount of money or property. What will you give your family that lasts into eternity?

To listen to this message, download in MP3 here


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