Day 6 Kingdom Culture

Kingdom Culture

If you’ve ever been in a country where the culture was completely different to our own, you’ll understand a little of the struggle we face as Christians.

We were brought up in the culture of the world. The values we were taught centred around our rights, our comfort, our feeling secure, our getting by … They centred around us.

But when we came to Christ, we were introduced to a completely different culture. A Christian has been transferred out of the world (and its culture) and into Christ’s kingdom (and its completely different culture).

In kingdom culture it’s not our rights, our comfort, our feeling secure and the rest of it. Kingdom culture doesn’t centre on us. It centres on Christ.

We aren’t on the throne anymore; He is. In kingdom culture we are servants and slaves. Our rights to comfort and security are laid down at Christ’s feet.

In the world, being looked up to was valued, but that isn’t a value in kingdom culture; humility is.

In the world, being successful was looked up to, but in kingdom culture, being Christ-like is.

In the world, cutting corners was valued, but in kingdom culture, righteousness is.

Christian, you’re a child of the King. Live like one, not grasping but giving, not taking but letting go.

This is kingdom living.


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