Day 23 The Real Messiah

The Real Messiah

Over the years many people have claimed to be the Messiah.

Sixty years after the destruction of the Jewish Temple in 70AD a political-Messianic movement of large proportions grew up. The leader of the revolt against Rome, Simon bar Kokhba, was hailed as Messiah-king. Although some doubted his messiahship, he seems to have carried the nation with him for his undertaking. After stirring up a war (133-135AD) that taxed the power of Rome, he at last met his death on the walls of Bethar.

Born in 1626, Sabbatai Zebi was a Jewish chicken farmer. He suffered with bipolar but was gifted with a mesmerizing speaking style. He declared he was the Messiah in 1648 shortly before marrying a Polish prostitute. Zebi attracted thousands of followers despite his teaching that sexual promiscuity and nudity were virtues. His message was that he was the only way to God. In 1666 he was arrested by Turkish authorities on charges of trying to overthrow the sultan. He was given a choice: be tortured to death or become a Muslim. Without batting an eyelid Zebi renounced Judaism and became a follower of Mohammed. So much for being the Jewish Messiah!

So what makes Jesus different from these and countless others who claimed they were the Jews’ long awaited Messiah? Jesus backed up His claim to be the Messiah by:

(1) perfectly fulfilling more than 60 ancient prophecies about the Messiah’s birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection

(2) performing extraordinary miracles (attested to both by his followers and his enemies)

(3) being credited by both his followers and his enemies with living a perfect life

(4) being raised from the dead just as He said He would be

(5) by transforming the lives of more a billion people from being self centred and demanding the right to determine their own destiny, to being selfless and yielding their lives to God

Only the real Messiah could do this.

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