Day 24 John Bunyan

 John Bunyan

John Bunyan, famed writer of ‘Pilgrim’s Progress,’ paid a great price for his faith. Converted at the age of 25 in 1653, he found increasing success in preaching. Seven years later, the Church of England was declared the only true church in the nation and every Christian had to conform to its beliefs and worship style. Contrary to the law, John would share his faith wherever people would listen – in barns, homes or the open air. Within months he was arrested. The judge was willing to release him if he agreed not to preach. John refused and served six years in prison. Through the first year he was allowed brief times outside to see his family, but it was soon discovered that while out, he continued preaching, and this release was stopped. These first years in prison were used profitably in writing, with ‘Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners’ appearing the year he was released. Finally let out in 1666, he went back immediately to preaching. He was arrested within weeks, and again sentenced to six years. After five years of this term the king granted him special release. John became the pastor of the church he had first attended, while continuing to preach wherever invited. In London crowds exceeding 1200 turned out in the middle of winter at 7 am to hear him. His four years as pastor were interrupted when he was again arrested. While serving another six months he wrote ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ and ‘The Holy War,’ his most famous books. On release, Bunyan returned to his church which he continued to lead until his death at the age of 60. When his greatest foe, King Charles II, questioned John Owen, one of England’s greatest statesmen, why he or anyone with intellect would even listen to John Bunyan, Owen replied “I would gladly give up all my learning for the tinker’s (Bunyan’s) power of reaching the heart.”

Always aim at the heart when you witness. And learn to use whatever God has given you, no matter how small or great, for Christ and His Kingdom.

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