Day 9 Fearlessness


In the sight of God, who gives life to everything, and of Christ Jesus, who while testifying before Pontius Pilate made the good confession, I charge you to keep this commandment without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which God will bring about in his own time – God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honour and might forever   1 Timothy 6:13-16

Paul probably wrote this letter very soon after his release from prison. He was well aware that Roman authorities were watching him but in spite of, or more likely because of his imminent arrest and possible execution (which did happen), he holds nothing back.

In 6:14 he writes of ‘the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ’ using a term (‘appearing’) normally reserved for the Emperor himself. The word brought together the twin thoughts of a state visit and a moment of divine revelation. We derive our English word ‘epiphany’ from the word used here. Paul is deliberately talking about the future ‘appearing’ of Jesus in language his hearers would immediately recognise as belonging to Caesar. Because a fair proportion of the Roman Empire already worshipped the Emperor as divine or at least “son of God,” the preceding Emperor being a god, Paul wants the record put straight.

Paul’s words show his fearlessness. No petty human leader, Caesar or no Caesar, could come near to the majesty of God Almighty. Caesar thought he answered to no one. Paul knew every human being was ultimately accountable to the one true God.

How fearless are you? Are you easily intimidated by human powers?

Paul was not brash or arrogant, nor was he rebellious. He respected human authority and kept his heart right when human authority turned on him. But he was fearless and that’s what we desperately need more of in this hour.

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