Day 5 His Promises

His Promises

You can’t read far into the Bible before coming across one of the most fundamental characteristics about God. Not only is God a speaking God; He is also a promise keeping God. From the promise of judgement in Genesis 2:17 to the promise of salvation through judgement in Genesis 3:15, through the promises made to Noah, Abraham, Moses and David, right through to Jesus’ final words to His disciples before He ascended to heaven in Matthew 28:20, God makes promises to His people.
God’s promises are not random good intentions. God’s promises together point to a divine plan for history – a plan to rescue people through a judgement that God Himself would bear on our behalf.
There is one God and one plan to solve one problem with one solution.
History, as the Bible presents it, follows a pattern. It progresses and develops, but not randomly. God is working out His plans. This means the past is tied to the present in Scripture. Like building an enormous skyscraper, the original shape is present right from the beginning. But by the end, it has been developed so extensively that the end product is much more than even the initial pattern seemed to promise.
In myriads of different ways God outlines through the Old Testament His ultimate plans to exalt His eternal Son and have Him rule over a new creation – a new heaven and new earth. A pivotal point in this divine plan is His Son’s death for the sin of the world.
As you read the Bible, ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to see and understand His unfolding plan. It might just make your Bible reading come alive!

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